science fiction fantasy author Jeffrey Redmond JEFFREY REDMOND
Science Fiction Fantasy Author
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Co-Author Molly Whalen I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself, I'm Molly Whalen and I am one of the latest additions to the MS family. I had the wonderful opportunity of co-writing "Garden Of Darkness" with the multi-talented, and devastatingly handsome Jeff Redmond. I am so excited about the journey I am about to embark on, and would love to hear any and all suggestions you have on making my transition as smooth as possible. I can't thank Jeff and Jane enough for spotting the diamond in the rough. Sincerely,  Molly
science fiction fantasy author  Molly Whalen
Jeffrey Redmond ~ Molly Whalen ~ Cory Stickel ~ Lisana Gabriella ~ Ann-Marie Desiree
Co-Author Cory Stickel “Aus dem Schweigen der Nacht, steigen dunkel Visionen.”  - Tanz der Vampire Out of the silence of the night, dark visions arise, so says the infamous German quote from the Vampire’s Dance. And so Cory Stickel presents in her incredible tales of action, adventure, romance, love, sex, life, and death. There’s always just enough suspense - and even terror - to keep the reader immersed in literary captivity. Ms Stickel can take us deep into her wild world of fantasy and imagination, where dwarfs may battle both wolves and humans, amidst the endless enchantments of magic and unicorns. To where anything and everything can exist, with an edge. But Cory’s works are way more than mere fantasy land. Way more indeed! It is going to be unnerving to anticipate what exactly Cory Stickel produces next. With her inexhaustive imagination, intellectual brilliance, artistic talent, and creative angst there will no doubt be many, many wondrous tales to enjoy. Visit her be entertained, educated, and fully engaged the entire time. But be careful! There’s always someone, or something, unexpected. Cory’s websites:  and
science fiction fantasy author Cory Stickel science fiction fantasy author Cory Stickel
Jeff Redmond and Cory Stickel
science fiction fantasy author  Molly Whalen
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science fiction fantasy author Jeffrey Redmond science fiction fantasy author Jeffrey Redmond